»Upor in njegovi odmevi v slovanskih jezikih in literaturah«
Vabimo vas, da se udeležite 12. mednarodnega Simpozija mladih slavistov z naslovom Upor in njegovi odmevi v slovanskih jezikih in literaturah, ki bo potekal 12. in 13. decembra 2024 na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru (Koroška cesta 160, SI-2000 Maribor). Simpozij organizirajo Študentska sekcija Zveze društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije, Slavistično društvo Maribor, Študentska sekcija Slavističnega društva Maribor ter Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru.
Mednarodno srečanje je namenjeno vsem mladim, ki v svojih znanstvenih raziskavah obravnavajo teme s področja slovanskih jezikov, literatur, didaktike in prevodoslovja. K oddaji in predstavitvi prispevkov vabimo študentke in študente ter mlade doktorice in doktorje znanosti na slovenskih in tujih univerzah oz. vse, ki so univerzitetni študij že zaključili in se z razpisanimi temami strokovno ali znanstveno ukvarjajo.
Letošnji simpozij poteka pod naslovom Upor in njegovi odmevi v slovanskih jezikih in literaturah. Tematski sklopi vključujejo, vendar niso omejeni na:
Prijave s prijavnim obrazcem, povzetkom in kratko predstavitvijo avtorja oz. avtorice sprejemamo na elektronskem naslovu studentska.sekcija@zdsds.si do vključno 1. junija 2024. O izboru prispevkov vas po elektronski pošti obvestimo najkasneje do 10. junija 2024.
Povzetek (od 250 do 350 besed) in kratka predstavitev naj bosta v jeziku prispevka (vsi slovanski jeziki ali angleščina) in v angleščini; če je jezik prispevka angleščina, mora biti drugi povzetek v poljubnem slovanskem jeziku.
Diskusija in komunikacija z udeleženci in udeleženkami bosta potekali v slovenščini ali angleščini.
Članke za objavo v zborniku bo treba oddati do vključno 10. avgusta 2024. Če bo prispevek pogojno sprejet, a kljub popravkom ne bo ustrezal zahtevam znanstvenega pisanja, si pridržujemo pravico, da prispevka v zborniku ne objavimo. Predstavitev prispevka na simpoziju je omejena na 15 minut, sledi 5 minut za diskusijo.
Kotizacija za sodelovanje na znanstvenem srečanju za vse prijavljene znaša 20,00 EUR in je v celoti namenjena pripravi zbornika. Stroške prevoza in prenočitve krijejo udeleženke in udeleženci sami. Vse informacije o dogodku je mogoče spremljati na Facebook strani Študentske sekcije Slavističnega društva Slovenije in na strani simpozija.
12th Symposium of Young Slavists
»Resistance and its Echoes in Slavic Languages and Literatures«
We are delighted to invite you to the 12th International Symposium of Young Slavists »Resistance and its Echoes in Slavic Languages and Literatures«, which will take place on 12 and 13 December 2024 at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor (Koroška cesta 160, SI-2000 Maribor). The symposium is organised by the Student Section of the Slovene Slavic Association, the Slovene Slavic Association Maribor, the Student Section of the Slovene Slavic Association Maribor and the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor.
The international meeting is amied at all young people whose scientific research deals with topics in the field of Slavic languages, literatures, didactics and translation studies. We invite students and young PhDs at Slovene and foreign universities, or all those who have already completed their university studies and are working on the topics of the Call for Papers, to submit and present their papers.
This year’s symposium is entitled »Resistance and its Echoes in Slavic Languages and Literatures«. The thematic strands include, but are not limited to:
Applications consisting of the application form, an abstract of the conference paper, and a short CV by the author, should be sent electronically to studentska.sekcija@zdsds.si no later than 1 June 2024. The application form can be found on the website of the Student Section of the Slavic Society of Slovenia. Applicants will be informed by 10 June 2024 whether their paper has been accepted for presentation.
The abstract (up to 250 words) and the short CV must be written in the language of the symposium paper (any Slavic language or English) as well as in English. If the language of the paper is English, the second abstract must be written in a Slavic language.
The organisers will communicate with participants in Slovene and English.
Papers must be submitted no later than 10 August 2024. All papers will be reviewed anonymously and should then be corrected by the participants. If the reviewer accepts the contribution with reservations but the corrections subsequently made are not sufficient to raise the paper to the proper standards of scientific level, we reserve the right not to publish it in the symposium proceedings. Presentations will last 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion in either Slovenian or English.
The conference fee is 20€. The money raised will be used to cover the costs of publishingthe symposium proceedings. We cannot reimburse travel and accommodation costs. All information about the event will be made available on the Facebook page of the Slavic Society Slovenia Student Section.